Foothills  Weather

Other Weather Links


Doppler Radar Map

Full screen doppler radar showing rain and snow conditions. When you complete your map adjustments and settings, click the Save Pref button to save your preferences for the next time you bring it up.

Spare the Air

Spare the Air - Air Quality Map

Air Quality Information for the greater Sacramento region. Check for smoke and high ozone conditions.

Randoplan image

Cycle Route Forecast

Copy the Ride With GPS route number (eg. 28855159) into the form along with start date & time. The resulting route map will show temperature and wind conditions along the route when the riders are expected to be there.

Caltrans Hwy Cameras

Caltrans Cameras

This Caltrans site has various cameras along major freeways in the area. They are useful in determining fog conditions along with traffic congestion.

Traffic Conditions

Traffic Conditions

Not a weather site, but useful to see traffic conditions to a ride start.